November 27, 2012


Isaac: How is it you can be absolutely fearless in the face of DEATH and yet so afraid to LIVE?
Dexter: I'm not afraid.
Isaac: Then what is it?
Dexter: Death has always calmed me. It's soothing, predictable, inevitable. whit knife in my hand, i feel it's mine to control.
Isaac: It gives you intimacy.
Dexter: Yes, but..
Isaac: It never lasts. It's over. then you.. you move on.
Dexter: But now.. with Hannah.. I feel like I don't have any control, and I'm not sure I want to move on.
Isaac: I was like you. So detached. until Viktor.
Dexter: Was it worth it? Your feelings for him cost you everything.
Isaac: Oh god yes. Being with him, I never had to hide. I was finally..
Dexter: ALIVE.

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